Exhibition Dates 2024

Print Fair setup
I'm excited to be showing my work at the following events, hopefully more to come!
  • 'A Showcase of Printmaking' - York Printmakers at Scarborough Hospital (May 14 - August 31). If you are in the Scarborough area this summer, this exhibition by members of York Printmakers will be worth a visit. 
  • York Printmakers Annual Print Fair (Sept 21/22 2024).The hugely popular York Printmakers print fair returns to the beautiful surroundings of York Cemetery, with 24 local printmakers taking part.   
  • EDAS Easingwold Art Fair (11/12/13 October). This popular annual community event will take place at Easingwold Galtres Centre, I will be artist in residence on Friday and Saturday, demonstrating a range of printmaking techniques.